



"Discovery of collective nonjumping motions leading to Johari–Goldstein process of stress relaxation in model ionic glass"

M.Saito, T.Araki, Y.Onodera, K.Ohara, M.Seto, Y.Yoda, and Y.Wakabayashi

Acta Mater. 284, 120536  (2025). 

プレスリリース (English)

"Non-ferroelectric phase with disappearance of cycloidal magnetic structure in Tb0.515Gd0.485Mn2O5"

Y.Ishii, T.Sakakura, Y.Ishikawa, R.Kiyanagi, L.Jana, T.Aoyama, K.Ohgushi, Y.Wakabayashi, H.Kimura, and Y.Noda

Phys. Rev. B 110, 184404 (2024). (Editors' suggestion)



表面技術 75, 440 (2024).

"Optoelectronic characteristics of furan substituted thiophene/phenylene co-oligomer single crystals for organic lasing" 

P. A. Praveen, T. Kanagasekaran, C. Ma, M. Terada, T. Jin, Y. Wakabayashi, and H. Shimotani

J. Mater. Chem. C 12, 15995-16003 (2024).

"Symmetry change in LaNiO3 films caused by epitaxial strain from LaAlO3, SrTiO3, and DyScO3 pseudocubic (001) surfaces"

F. Izumisawa, Y. Ishii, M. Kimura, T. Katase, T. Kamiya, J. Yamaura, and Y. Wakabayashi

J. Appl. Phys.  136, 075303 (2024).

"Microscopic evaluation of orbital magnetic moment under ferromagnetic resonance"

Y. Ishii, Y. Yamasaki, Y. Kozuka, J. Lustikova, Y. Nii, Y. Onose, Y. Yokoyama, M. Mizumaki,  J. Adachi, H. Nakao, T. Arima, and Y. Wakabayashi

Scientific Reports 14, 15504 (2024).

"Microscopic Observation of the Anisotropy of the Johari−Goldstein‑β Process in Cross-Linked Polybutadiene on Stretching by Time-Domain Interferometry"

R. Mashita, M. Saito, Y. Yoda, N. Nagasawa, Y. Bito, T. Kikuchi, H. Kishimoto, M. Seto, and T. Kanaya

ACS Macro Lett. 13, 847–852 (2024). 

"Broadband Quasielastic Scattering Spectroscopy Using a Multiline Frequency Comblike Spectrum in the Hard X-Ray Region"

M. Saito, M. Kobayashi, H. Nishino, T. Nishiyama Hiraki, Y. Honjo, K. Kobayashi, Y. Joti, K. Ozaki, Y. Imai, M. Yamaga, T. Abe, N. Nagasawa, Y. Yoda, R. Mashita, T. Hatsui, and Y. Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev.  Lett. 132, 256901 (2024).

プレスリリース   日刊工業新聞 2024年6月21日

"Recent advances in atomic resolution three-dimensional holography"

H. Daimon, T. Matsushita, F. Matsui, K. Hayashi, and Y. Wakabayashi

Advances in Physics: X, 9(1 ), 2350161-1-29 (2024). (Review article)


"A Three-Dimensionally Extended Metal–Organic Ladder Compound Exhibiting Proton Conduction"

H. Liang, K. Otsubo, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Sagayama, S. Kawaguchi, H. Kitagawa

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 63, e202400162 (2024).  Hot paper

"The false beat signal of a high-speed X-ray imaging detector for synchrotron radiation experiments and its elimination with a synchronized CITIUS detector "

H. Nishino, K. Kobayashi, Y. Honjo, T. Nishiyama Hiraki, K. Ozaki, Y. Imai, M. Yamaga, Y. Joti, N. Nagasawa, Y. Yoda, A. Q.R. Baron, M. Kobayashi, M. Saito, T. Hatsui

Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A. 1057, 168710 (2023).

  "Development of Multi-scale Soft X-ray Diffraction Microscope for Observing Spin Textures"

Y. Ishii, Y. Kozuka, Y. Yamasaki, and H. Nakao

JPS Conf. Proc. 38, 011190 (2023). Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics (LT29).

 "Quantitative measurement of structural fluctuation at LaNiO3/LaAlO3 interfaces as a function of thickness" 

K. Nagai, M. Anada, K. Kowa, M. Kitamura, H. Kumigashira, H. Tajiri, and Y. Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. Materials 7, 043604 (2023).




物理学会誌 78, 135-138 (2023). (cover illustration)

"Time-resolved resonant soft X-ray scattering combined with MHz synchrotron X-ray and laser pulses in the Photon Factory"

R. Fukaya, J. Adachi, H. Nakao, Y. Yamasaki, C. Tabata, S. Nozawa,  K. Ichiyanagi, Y. Ishii, H. Kimura and S. Adachi

J. Synchrotron Rad. 29, (2022).




日本物理学会誌 77, 690 (2022).


齋藤真器名, 金谷利治, 

放射光 35, 295, (2022). 

"Microscopic observation of the effects of elongation on the polymer chain dynamics of crosslinked polybutadiene using quasi-elastic γ-ray scattering"

R. Mashita, M. Saito, Y. Yoda, H. Kishimoto, M. Seto and T. Kanaya

J. Synchrotron Rad. 29, 1180 (2022).

 "Light-induced magnetization driven by interorbital charge motion in the spin-orbit assisted Mott insulator α-RuCl3"

T. Amano, Y. Kawakami, H. Itoh, K. Konno, Y. Hasegawa, T. Aoyama, Y. Imai, K. Ohgushi, Y. Takeuchi, Y. Wakabayashi, K. Goto, Y. Nakamura, H. Kishida, K. Yonemitsu, and S. Iwai

Phys. Rev. Research 4, L032032 (2022).

"Phonon dispersion of the organic semiconductor rubrene"

K.Takada, K.Yoshimi, S.Tsutsui, K.Kimura, K.Hayashi, I.Hamada, S.Yanagisawa, N.Kasuya, S.Watanabe, J.Takeya, and Y.Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. B 105, 205205 (2022).  Editors’ Suggestion 

SPring-8/SACLA Research Frontiers 2022




日本結晶学会誌 64, 26-32 (2022).

"Microscopic observation of hidden Johari-Goldstein-β process in glycerol"

Makina Saito, Masayuki Kurokuzu, Yoshitaka Yoda, and Makoto Seto

Phys. Rev. E 105, L012605 (2022).

"Topological charge of soft X-ray vortex beam determined by inline holography"

Yuta Ishii, Hironori Nakao, Masaichiro Mizumaki, Yusuke Wakabayashi, Taka-hisa Arima, and Yuichi Yamasaki

Scientific Reports 12, 1044 (2022).

"Effect of silica-nanoparticle fillers on the Johari-Goldstein-β process in polymer nanocomposites"

M. Saito, R. Mashita, T. Kanaya, H. Kishimoto, Y. Yoda, M. Seto

Hyperfine Interact. 242, 58 (2021).

"Relationship between Viscosity and Acyl Tail Dynamics in Lipid Bilayers"

M. Nagao, E. G. Kelley, A. Faraone, M. Saito, Y. Yoda, M. Kurokuzu, S. Takata, M. Seto, and P. D. Butler

Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 078102 (2021).


"Local polarization and valence distribution in LaNiO3/LaMnO3 heterostructures"

M. Anada, S. Sakaguchi, K. Nagai, M. Kitamura, K. Horiba, H. Kumigashira, and Y. Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. B, 104, 085111 (2021). 

"Spin reorientation in tetragonally distorted spinel oxide NiCo2O4 epitaxial films"

H. Koizumi, I. Suzuki, D. Kan, J. Inoue, Y. Wakabayashi, Y. Shimakawa, H. Yanagihara

Phys. Rev. B 104, 014422 (2021).

"Laser oscillation of an organic distributed-feedback laser at the edge of a mini stopband"

T.Miura, T. Kanagasekaran, H.Shimotani, and K. Tanigaki

Appl. Phys. Express 14 052007 (2021).




アイソトープニュース 773,47 (2021).

" Soft-X-Ray Vortex Beam Detected by Inline Holography"

Y. Ishii, K. Yamamoto, Y. Yokoyama, M. Mizumaki, H. Nakao, T. Arima, and Y. Yamasaki

Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 064069 (2020). 


"Metallic ground states of undoped Ti2O3 films induced by elongated c-axis lattice constant"

K. Yoshimatsu, N. Hasegawa, Y. Nambu, Y. Ishii, Y. Wakabayashi and H. Kumigashira 

Scientific Reports 10, 22109 (2020).

"Multiple magnetic order parameters coexisting in multiferroic hexaferrites resolved by soft x rays"

H. Ueda, Y. Tanaka, Y. Wakabayashi, J. Tsurumi, J. Takeya, and T. Kimura

J. Appl. Phys. 128, 174101 (2020).

"Structure of quasi-free-standing graphene on the SiC (0001) surface prepared by the rapid cooling method"

T. Sumi, K. Nagai, J. Bao, T. Terasawa, W. Norimatsu, M. Kusunoki, and  Y. Wakabayashi

Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 143102 (2020).

“Electronic charge transfer driven by spin cycloidal structure" 

Y. Ishii, S. Horio, Y. Noda, M. Hiraishi, H. Okabe, M. Miyazaki, S. Takeshita, A. Koda, K. M. Kojima, R. Kadono, H. Sagayama, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, and H. Kimura 

Phys. Rev. B 101 224436 (2020). Editors’ Suggestion 


"Direct Evidence of Simultaneous Reversal of Ferrimagnetically Coupled Sm 4f and Mn 3d Angular Momenta in SmMnO3"

J.-S. Jung, T. Nakamura, Y. Wakabayashi and T. Kimura

J. Korean Phys. Soc. 76 904-910 (2020). (Highlight)

"Robust surface structure analysis with reliable uncertainty estimation using the exchange Monte Carlo method"

K. Nagai, M. Anada, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada and Y. Wakabayashi

J. Appl. Cryst. 53 387-392 (2020). (corrigendum)


下谷 秀和, 谷垣 勝己,

応用物理 89, 278-281 (2020).


"Tuning of ferrimagnetism and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in NiCo2O4 epitaxial films by the cation distribution"

Y. Shen, D. Kan, Z. Tan, Y. Wakabayashi, and Y. Shimakawa

Phys. Rev. B 101, 094412 (2020).

"Early stages of iron anodic oxidation: Defective growth and density increase of oxide layer"

Hiromasa Fujii, Yusuke Wakabayashi, and Takashi Doi

Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 033401 (2020).

プレスリリース  日刊工業新聞(2020年3月5日)  化学工業日報 (2020年3月31日)

SPring-8/SACLA Research Frontiers 2020

"Sub-molecular structural relaxation at a physisorbed interface with monolayer organic single-crystal semiconductors"

A. Yamamura, H. Fujii, H. Ogasawara, D. Nordlund, O. Takahashi, Y. Kishi, H. Ishii, N. Kobayashi, N. Niitsu, B. Blülle, T. Okamoto, Y. Wakabayashi, S. Watanabe, and J. Takeya

Commun Phys 3, 20 (2020). 

プレスリリース  日刊工業新聞(2020年1月24日) 日経新聞オンライン EE Times ほか 

PF highlights 2019

 "Insights into magnetoelectric-coupling mechanism of room-temperature multiferroic Sr3Co2Fe24O41 from domain observation"

H. Ueda, Y. Tanaka, Y. Wakabayashi, and T. Kimura,

Phys. Rev. B, 100, 094444 (2019).

"Correlations between oxygen octahedral distortions and magnetic and transport properties in strained La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 thin films"

Y. Heo, D. Kan, M. Anada, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Tajiri, and Y. Shimakawa, 

Phys. Rev. B 99, 174420 (2019).

"Kinetics of Iron Passivation Studied by Sub-Second Resolution Realtime X-ray Reflectivity Technique"

H.Fujii, Y.Wakabayashi, and T.Doi, 

J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, E212-E216 (2019).


"Surface structure of organic semiconductor [n]phenacene single crystals"

Y.Wakabayashi, M.Nakamura, K.Sasaki, T.Maeda, Y.Kishi, H.Ishii, N.Kobayashi, S.Yanagisawa, Y.Shimo, and Y.Kubozono, 

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 14046 (2018).

"Observation of collinear antiferromagnetic domains making use of the circular dichroic charge-magnetic interference effect of resonant x-ray diffraction"

H.Ueda, Y.Tanaka, Y.Wakabayashi, and T.Kimura, 

Phys. Rev. B, 98, 134415 (2018).

"Spin-Orbital Entangled Liquid State in the Copper Oxide Ba3CuSb2O9"

H. Man, M. Halim, H. Sawa, M. Hagiwara, Y. Wakabayashi and S. Nakatsuji, 

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 30 443002-1-17 (2018). (Topical Review)

"Spatial coherence of the insulating phase in quasi-two-dimensional LaNiO3 films" 

M. Anada, K. Kowa, H. Maeda, E. Sakai, M. Kitamura, H. Kumigashira, O. Sakata, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada, T. Kimura and Y. Wakabayashi, 

Phys. Rev. B, 98, 014105-1-8 (2018).

"Oxygen octahedral distortions in compressively strained SrRuO3 epitaxial thin films" 

D. Kan, M. Anada, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Tajiri, and Y. Shimakawa, 

J. Appl. Phys. 123, 235303-1-5 (2018). (Editor's pick)

 "Structural Switching of Self-Assembled Monolayer by External Electric Field"

H. Fujii, K. Sasaki, Y. Wakabayashi, H. Tajiri, K. Miwa, S. Ono, R. Nouchi, 

e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech.  16 76-78 (2018).


"Observation of Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces by Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction: Atomic-Scale Imaging and Time-Resolved Measurements"

Y. Wakabayashi, T. Shirasawa, W. Voegeli, and T. Takahashi, 

J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 061010-1-12  (2018).

"Bayesian inference of metal oxide ultrathin film structure based on crystal truncation rod measurements"

M. Anada, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada, T. Kimura and Y. Wakabayashi, 

J. Appl. Cryst.  50 1611-1616 (2017).

プレスリリース日刊工業新聞 2017年10月24日

"Non-destructive method for the determination of the electric polarization orientation in thin films: illustration on gallium ferrite thin films"

C. Lefevre, A. Demchenko, C. Bouillet-Ulhaq, M. Luysberg, X. Devaux, F. Roulland, G. Versini, S. Barre, Y. Wakabayashi, N. Boudet, C. Leuvrey, M. Acosta, C. Meny, E. Martin, S. Grenier, V. Favre-Nicolin and N. Viart,

Small Methods, 1, 1700234-1-8 (2017).

"Soft x-ray resonant diffraction study of magnetic structure in magnetoelectric Y-type hexaferrite"

H. Ueda, Y. Tanaka, Y. Wakabayashi, T. Kimura,

Physica B, 536,  118–121 (2018).




Robust surface structure analysis with reliable uncertainty estimation using the exchange Monte Carlo method

K. Nagai, M. Anada, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada and Y. Wakabayashi

J. Appl. Cryst. 53 387-392 (2020).


Bayesian inference of metal oxide ultrathin film structure based on crystal truncation rod measurements

M. Anada, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada, T. Kimura and Y. Wakabayashi

J. Appl. Cryst.  50 1611-1616 (2017).


日刊工業新聞 2017 10/24



Sub-molecular structural relaxation at a physisorbed interface with monolayer organic single-crystal semiconductors

A. Yamamura, H. Fujii, H. Ogasawara, D. Nordlund, O. Takahashi, Y. Kishi, H. Ishii, N. Kobayashi, N. Niitsu, B. Blülle, T. Okamoto, Y. Wakabayashi, S. Watanabe, and J. Takeya

Commun Phys 3, 20 (2020). 



Surface structure of organic semiconductor [n]phenacene single crystals

Y.Wakabayashi, M.Nakamura, K.Sasaki, T.Maeda, Y.Kishi, H.Ishii, N.Kobayashi, S.Yanagisawa, Y.Shimo, and Y.Kubozono

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 14046 (2018).

Photon Factory highlights 2018



Large surface relaxation in the organic semiconductor tetracene

H. Morisaki, T. Koretsune, C. Hotta, J. Takeya, T. Kimura and Y. Wakabayashi

Nature Commun. 5, 5400 (2014).


JST Science Portal 2014年11月10日


Sub-Å resolution electron density analysis of the surface of organic rubrene crystals

Y. Wakabayashi, J. Takeya, and T. Kimura

Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 066103 (2010).


日刊工業新聞 2010年1月29日

日経産業新聞 2010年2月9日

科学新聞 2010年3月12日

PFアクティビティレポート2009 Highlights




Phonon dispersion of the organic semiconductor rubrene

K.Takada, K.Yoshimi, S.Tsutsui, K.Kimura, K.Hayashi, I.Hamada, S.Yanagisawa, N.Kasuya, S.Watanabe, J.Takeya, and Y.Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. B 105, 205205 (2022).  Editors’ Suggestion 

物理学会誌 78, 135-138 (2023). (cover illustration



Spatial coherence of the insulating phase in quasi-two-dimensional LaNiO3 films

M. Anada, K. Kowa, H. Maeda, E. Sakai, M. Kitamura, H. Kumigashira, O. Sakata, Y. Nakanishi-Ohno, M. Okada, T. Kimura and Y. Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. B 98, 014105-1-8 (2018).



Structural comparison of n-type and p-type LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interfaces

R. Yamamoto, C. Bell, Y. Hikita, H.Y. Hwang, H. Nakamura, T. Kimura, and Y. Wakabayashi

Phys. Rev. Lett 107 036104 (2011).

PFアクティビティレポート2011 Highlights 



Size of Orbital Ordering Domain Controlled by the Itinerancy of the 3d Electrons in a Manganite Thin Film

Y. Wakabayashi, H. Sagayama, T. Arima, M. Nakamura, Y. Ogimoto, Y. Kubo, K. Miyano and H. Sawa

Phys. Rev. B 79 22040(R) (2009).



Surface effects on the orbital order in the single-layered manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4,

Y. Wakabayashi, M. H. Upton, S. Grenier, J. P. Hill, C. S. Nelson, J.-W. Kim, P. J. Ryan, A. I. Goldman, H. Zheng and J. F. Mitchell:

Nature Materials 6, 972-976 (2007).




科学新聞 2007年11月30日



Novel Orbital Ordering induced by Anisotropic Stress in a Manganite Thin Film,

Y. Wakabayashi, D. Bizen, H. Nakao, Y. Murakami, M. Nakamura, Y. Ogimoto, K. Miyano and H. Sawa,

Phys. Rev. Lett., 96 (2006), 017202.

PFアクティビティレポート2005 Highlights




Dynamical spin-orbital correlation in the frustrated magnet Ba3CuSb2O9,

Y. Ishiguro, K. Kimura, S. Nakatsuji, S. Tsutsui, A. Q. R. Baron T. Kimura, and Y. Wakabayashi,

Nature Communications 4, 2022-1-6 (2013). 




Chemical and orbital fluctuations in Ba3CuSb2O9

Y. Wakabayashi, D. Nakajima, Y. Ishiguro, K. Kimura, T. Kimura, S. Tsutsui, A. Q. R. Baron, 

K. Hayashi, N. Happo, S. Hosokawa, K. Ohwada, and S. Nakatsuji,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 245117 (2016).



External electric field dependence of the structure of the electric double layer at an ionic liquid/Au interface,

R. Yamamoto, H. Morisaki, O. Sakata, H. Shimotani, H.-T. Yuan, Y. Iwasa, T. Kimura, and Y. Wakabayashi,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 053122 (2012).



Kinetics of Iron Passivation Studied by Sub-Second Resolution Realtime X-ray Reflectivity Technique

H.Fujii, Y.Wakabayashi, and T.Doi, 

J. Electrochem. Soc. 166, E212-E216 (2019).


"Early stages of iron anodic oxidation: Defective growth and density increase of oxide layer"

Hiromasa Fujii, Yusuke Wakabayashi, and Takashi Doi

Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 033401 (2020).

プレスリリース  日刊工業新聞(2020年3月5日) 化学工業日報 (2020年3月31日) 


Direct Determination of Low-Dimensional Structures --- Synchrotron X-ray scattering on One-Dimensional Charge-Ordered MMX-Chain Complexes

Y. Wakabayashi, A. Kobayashi, H. Sawa, H. Ohsumi, N. Ikeda, and H. Kitagawa

J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128 (2006), 6676.


日刊工業新聞 2006年5月26日

日経産業新聞 2006年5月26日

科学新聞 2006年6月9日

PFアクティビティレポート2006 Highlights



Spatial Correlations in the Valence of Metal Ions in Ni1-xPdx(chxn)2Br3

Y.Wakabayashi, N.Wakabayashi, M.Yamashita, T.Manabe and N.Matsushita

J.Phys.Soc.Jpn. 68(1999) , 3948


